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This is a milestone of Kennedy's progression 13 - 19 months of her life. Please look below at her milestone chart

Kennedy's Milestone


13 months

• Uses two words skillfully (e.g. "hi" and "bye")
• She will bends over and picks up objects

• Stands alone

• She enjoys looking at her reflection in the mirror

• Plays "peek-a-boo"

• Combines words and gestures to make her needs known
• Tries to lift heavy things or drag items
• She can rolls a ball back and forth


14 months

• Finger feeds herself
• She can empty containers of contents
• Initiates games
• Points to one body part when asked

• Uses spoon or fork
• Pushes and pulls toys while walking


15 months

• Plays with ball
• Her vocabulary has increased
• She can take steps backward

• She can draw a line and scribble on paper
• She can run fairly well around the house
• She uses  "no" for every answer

• Walks up stairs
• "Helps" around the house
• Puts her fingers to her mouth and says "shhh"


16 months

• Turns the pages of a book
• Has temper tantrums when frustrated and fall out in the floor
• She likes to climb up on he kitchen chair
• Stacks blocks
• She learned the correct way to use common objects (e.g. the telephone)

• She can take off one piece of clothing by herself
• Gets finicky about food


17 months

• Uses a handful of words regularly
• Enjoys pretend games
• Likes riding toys

• Responds to directions (e.g. "Sit down")
• Feeds doll
• Talks more clearly

• Dances to music
• Sorts toys and other items
• Kicks ball forward


18 months

• Will "read" board books on her own
• Can pedal when put on her tike
• Scribbles well

• She can strings words together in phrases
• Brushes teeth with help
• Throws ball overhand
• She can take toys apart and puts them back together
• Shows signs of toilet training readiness


19 months

• Half of her speech is understandable
• She can recognizes when something is wrong  

• Can wash and dry hands with help
• Can point to picture of cat or dog when you say the word
• Know when she needs to potty


Copyright 2006 - Kennedy Stephens

Designed by Antonio Stephens

email a_stephens1@excite.com