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This is a milestone of Kennedy's progression 1 to 6 months of her life. Please look below at her milestone chart

Kennedy's Milestone

1 month
• Lifts her head• Responds to sound• Stares at faces
• Follows objects• Can see black-and-white patterns
• Holds her head at 45-degree angle

2 months
• Vocalizes sounds — gurgling and cooing• Follows objects• Holds head up for short periods
• Movements become smoother
• Lifts her head and shoulder (mini-pushup)

3 months
• Laughs • Holds her head steady• Recognizes our face
• Squeals, gurgles, coos• Recognizes your voice • Does mini-pushups
• Turns toward loud sounds• Can bring her hands together and bat at toys

4 months
• Holds head up steadily• Coos when you talk to her
• Can grasp a toy• Reaches out for objects• Can roll over
• Imitates speech sounds — baba, dada

5 months
• Can distinguish between bold colors• Can roll over• Amuses herself by playing with hands and feet
• Turns toward sounds• Can bear weight on legs
• Recognizes her name
• Sits momentarily without support• Mouths objects• Imitates speech sounds — mama, baba, and dada

6 months
• Imitates sounds, blows bubbles• Rolls in both directions
• Reaches for objects and mouths them• Sits without support• Eats stage 1 foods
• Lunges forward or start crawling• Jabbers or combines syllables• Drags object toward herself
• She has a touch of stranger anxiety



Copyright 2006 - Kennedy Stephens

Designed by Antonio Stephens

email a_stephens1@excite.com