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This is a milestone of Kennedy's progression 7-12 months of her life. Please look below at her milestone chart

Kennedy's Milestone


7 months

• She Sits without support
• Imitates speech sounds (babbles)

• Crawls or lunges forward

• Stands while holding onto something
• She waves goodbye


8 months

• Points at objects

• Pulls self to standing position, cruises
• Picks things up with thumb-finger "pincer" grasp
• Indicates wants with gestures


9 months

• Combines syllables into word like sounds
• Plays patty-cake
• She says "dada" and "mama" to the right parent


10 months

• Drinks from a cup

• She can crawl up the stairs without help
• Stands alone for a couple of seconds
• Puts objects into a container


11 months

• Understands simple instructions

• She can slide down the stairs without help

• Drinks from a cup
• She can say other words besides "mama" and "dada"
• Stoops from standing position


12 months

• Takes a few steps
• Understands and responds to simple instructions

• Scribbles with crayon

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Copyright 2006 - Kennedy Stephens

Designed by Antonio Stephens

email a_stephens1@excite.com